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Found Footage Films Database

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Found Footage Films Database

Welcome to the most complete catalog of found footage films and found footage horror. We’re proud to say that our catalog is representative of found footage films made in every country around the world! Check back often as we’re updating our database on a daily basis. If you know of a found footage movie that’s not already on our website or come across a broken link (we hate those!) please let us know. Thank you for your continued support and enjoy browsing our database of found footage horror films!

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A production diary for a low budget film turns into a grisly documentation of survival when something dangerous is active in the region.…Read More
A young man under house arrest and his friends are haunted by an unknown force after logging onto a website that broadcasts images from a haunted room.…Read More
The most dysfunctional band in Hollywood prepares for a high-profile showcase and one last shot at fame in this comedy that rocked film festivals.…Read More
In 2018 a string of tragedies unfold in the high desert of North Eastern Nevada. A woman was found dead and another would vanish along the same stretch of remote highway. Could these events be linked …Read More
A hopelessly romantic virgin and superfan of romantic comedies ends up over his head when a Moldavian mail-order bride moves to the U.K. to marry him.…Read More
Boyz in the Wood follows two Asian cousins post lockdown, as they attempt to make a documentary about big cats in the UK countryside - a plan that they hope will solve their financial woes and catapul…Read More
The video circle of S Women’s University was covering a bizarre incident. However, the reporter suddenly disappeared, and only the tape remained.…Read More
The 2nd volume of horror video collection with a completely new approach! A mysterious phenomenon recorded in psychic images... In order to find out the "existence" and "fate" that are the cause of th…Read More
A collection of horror images that illuminates the darkness lurking in psychic phenomena with a new approach. After taking a video of a person who lived in a haunted property, he began to take strange…Read More
Sometimes I feel someone’s presence in a place where no one is. I try to sharpen this feeling that I blame on my mind and try to contact the “ground-binding mind” that continues to refuse to die in th…Read More
It is said that even if someone disappears, is abandoned, or is forgotten, people’s feelings remain in the land, in the place, in the building. The ruins of a huge housing complex called “paradise abo…Read More
After the disaster of Le Fear, director Carlos Revalos decides to make a sequel with a bigger budget. What could go wrong? Simply everything.…Read More
A failed director tries his luck in casting and producing a feature film which he wrote 'Le Fear'.…Read More
From authors, talents, actresses, occult researchers to full-time ghost storytellers! A full-fledged ghost story series featuring the full range of ghost story kitan hunters who are active in various …Read More
Thorough coverage of victims who have been obsessed with grudges and ghosts.…Read More
Who is Taylor? That is the question filmmaker William Dickerson tries to answer in this metafictional satire about a quirky and charismatic lifestreamer. “Taylor” is an open book who magnetically draw…Read More
What happens when online bullying and harassment have gone too far? Who do you call to set things straight? Who can help you salvage your reputation or get you payback? The TROLL can help. This dark w…Read More
Strange things are happening in present day Japan. Fake Documentary "Q" blends found footage and alternate reality premises to present a disturbing vision of a paranormal world lurking underneath day-…Read More
A program that introduces horror videos such as psychic posted videos, UFO/UMA posted videos, psychic site inspections, and ghost stories. Includes selected horror videos from the popular psychic seri…Read More
Four adults are detained in their apartments with only each other and a computer for online company. They each come from a different class with differing views but they all have one defining purpose t…Read More
There was a post that something was reflected on the monitor that disappeared! After looking it up, other people say they've seen something similar. There was a terrifying image...We set out to find o…Read More
Norbert Smith, A Life is a 1989 mockumentary charting the life and career of the fictitious British actor Sir Norbert Smith. It stars Harry Enfield in the title role.…Read More
Two women were summoned to the basement of a certain place. What terror awaits them...…Read More
Collecting horror experiences related to mobile phones and recreating them into a drama! Can you face up to the end of the shocking events that may happen to you?…Read More
While the whole country is locked down, an understaffed detective reaches out to a retired police captain to help him solve a murder via video-call. Things quickly escalate as another murder is commit…Read More

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