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Found Footage Films Database

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Found Footage Films Database

Welcome to the most complete catalog of found footage films and found footage horror. We’re proud to say that our catalog is representative of found footage films made in every country around the world! Check back often as we’re updating our database on a daily basis. If you know of a found footage movie that’s not already on our website or come across a broken link (we hate those!) please let us know. Thank you for your continued support and enjoy browsing our database of found footage horror films!

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Gorge yourself on candy corn and hunker down for a haunted house party filled with aliens, vamps, and phantom tramps via this hard-to-find flick from an infamous East Coast ’90’s bootleg video operati…Read More
Mahtab, accompanied by her little brother, must strictly follow the mysterious orders she receives via text messages. Apart from having to overcome all her phases, she only has an ambulance with a dri…Read More
When documentarians Perry Grebin and Michael Nigro begin following TV writers Gil S. Ripley and Dave Roberts, the two are trying to launch a Comedy Central pilot.…Read More
Presenters of paranormal TV show "Ghost Hosts" are filming in an abandoned haunted building as part of a Halloween special. The stories surrounding the horrifying ghosts of the mansion are about to be…Read More
Two friends are thrust into a fight for survival against an unseen enemy when their weekend road-trip goes horribly awry.…Read More
A lonely woman trapped in an abusive marriage finds solace in her online lover -- a man she only knows through online video chatting. Unknown to her, she is also being secretly watched via her webcam.…Read More
A French series that became a cult sensation, in trying to treat supernatural phenomena such as ghosts and witches with a documentary style approach.…Read More
A graduate student's film crew discover evidence of doppelgangers.…Read More
An antique Christmas elf unleashes decades of pent up evil on those that live in his dwelling.…Read More
Members of a television crew stumble across the story of an old man whose tragic tale dates back to 1981 during upheavals in Morocco, where he was arrested. Released 30 years later in 2011, he is now …Read More
While shooting a documentary on true love, Pramit learns of a mysterious village where anyone who enters will fall in love. He and his crew decide to seek out this strange place.…Read More
A smartphone is found at the TV shoot for a show about the Sea of Trees near Mount Fuji. The phone contains videos of three high school girls who met online: Ami (Okuma Ami), who is suicidal, Hinata (…Read More
A mockumentary about strange events which occurred in Tokyo one Autumn when hundreds of Japanese people claimed they had bizarre encounters with eccentric, three foot tall creatures.…Read More
Her vacation turns into a horrible nightmare for a young female doctor Laura when a nuclear meltdown in the nearby power plant destroys everything she believed in. And it's not over yet.…Read More
After starting a new life in South London, YouTuber Louis Paxton's home is repeatedly intruded by an anonymous stalker.…Read More
A group of friends spend their weekend getaway together at a haunted house.…Read More
A documentary filmmaker is injured and shaken after joining three groups of men from the world of bigfoot hunting.…Read More
Everyone has darkness within them and it unravels itself in unexpected ways. The Darkness Footage crew investigates the mystery surrounding unexplained bizarre videos destined to be discovered.…Read More
As a story structure, it reminds a postmodern novel: fragmented, plot-less and on first view: chaotic. Individual pieces can be rearranged and each one has its own life. In terms of genre, the film st…Read More
A group of filmmakers, conspiracy theorists and paranormal investigators search for the infamous cult known as the Friends of Hecate in Clapham Woods, Sussex.…Read More
A director tries to film a group of junkies in Leach's room while they are waiting for Cowboy to bring their heroin connection.…Read More
A young filmmaker decides to make a movie of his life.…Read More
In 1999, two friends use a webcam for the first time and stumble across a mysterious browser game that may be haunted.…Read More
Lager lout and philosopher Paul Calf records his video diary over New Years Eve and New Years Day. Accompanied by his friends Fat Bob and Roland and his sister Pauline, he staggers through two days of…Read More
A psychic mockumentary based on true stories, including psychic photographs based on posts, introductions of psychic spots, and drama reproductions of horror experiences. Follow the mysteries unique t…Read More

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