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Found Footage Films Database

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Found Footage Films Database

Welcome to the most complete catalog of found footage films and found footage horror. We’re proud to say that our catalog is representative of found footage films made in every country around the world! Check back often as we’re updating our database on a daily basis. If you know of a found footage movie that’s not already on our website or come across a broken link (we hate those!) please let us know. Thank you for your continued support and enjoy browsing our database of found footage horror films!

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With a mixture of raw footage and interviews, RAW: REAL HORROR FOOTAGE FROM JAPAN investigates bizarre, paranormal experiences people had in Japan that they managed to capture on film.…Read More
In the 1990s, a long time TV host from the Azores Islands comes to terms with his career's end in a turbulent fashion.…Read More
Mitsukuni Daisou, a popular comedian in Kansai, becomes a reporter. Suddenly, a mysterious unidentified creature is reflected in the camera while shooting a location for a food walk-in program.…Read More
Intrigued by theories surrounding the movie "Slaughterhouse" - Found Footage Brasileiro released in 2012 - a film student chooses the saga for a graduation project, investigating rumors that credited …Read More
Ana María is a YouTuber who receives a supposed gift from a fan. This gift contains six CDs, each one more macabre, and she does not understand why.…Read More
Four friends invoke the wrath of an ancient evil while filming their latest episode of their show, Haunted Australia.…Read More
Tapes of two life long friends, DJ and Sergio, whose lives gets turned around when DJ gets fired from his job and is forced to move in with Sergio. As time goes on tensions rise and paranoia sets in f…Read More
There are surveillance cameras all around us in the streets, but once the dead stare into them they become Death Cams, projecting things out of this world. In an elevator, at a convenience store and a…Read More
Daniel and Maria are about to get married and have a modern wedding on the beach in mind. But their families have other plans for the celebration.…Read More
A video captures the mysterious phenomenon that occurred at the shooting site of the reproduction drama of a ghost story.…Read More
An occult idol steps into a cursed psychic spot and thoroughly investigates the mystery.…Read More
When a pandemic collapses world governments, citizens get supplies by providing content for a global video channel, where you either go viral or die.…Read More
Unexpected encounters caught on camera. A group of motorcycle riders go on an excursion for haunted locations but members become split...; Footage from a wedding captures a mysterious white shadow abo…Read More
Three tales tackling the conundrum of compliance as filtered through the social psyche of Japan where rules are followed to the letter and results can be painful, harmful, and ultimately, absurd.…Read More
A psychopath kidnaps astronauts who plan on becoming the first immigrants on Mars and forces them to help him make a horror film and kills and eats them all after filming.…Read More
A photographer and a makeup artist document their burgeoning relationship and their partnership on a fine art project through the lenses of their own cameras.…Read More
Four young friends on a camping trip deep in the South African countryside wake up to discover that they've all swapped bodies.…Read More
A mockumentary dark comedy where a camera crew follows four hitmen who end up getting killed in the infamous Coda Teahouse Massacre. Years later, footage from the documentary crew emerges revealing h…Read More
A mockumentary following the comeback of washed up prize fighter and action star, SENSAI Houston. After blackmailing a B list Hollywood producer, he gets his Martial Arts talk show fully financed, in …Read More
On the territory of modern Ukraine, there is a mysterious and small Cult. According to eyewitnesses, the cult does not take any food nor drink water. Young blogger Karina, along with her partner set o…Read More
Toprak wants to solve the paranormal events behind the scenes of his brother's murder. He brings his lawyer and his lawyer's wife with him to the house where the incident took place to record proof fo…Read More
A satirical mockumentary and highly influential telivised hoax trying to prove the conspiracy theory that Vladimir Lenin had consumed large quantities of psychedelic mushrooms and eventually became a …Read More
A grieving mom hires a filmmaker and tracker to go with her deep into the woods to document a cult she believes murdered her daughter.…Read More
A psychic and occult program, Kaikai-chan, had gained cult popularity, until one day they decided to mysteriously end their broadcast. At the request of the missing person concerned, all the program d…Read More
While Ted and Maxie are on a rock climbing trip to help conquer Ted's fear of heights, they find an unknown creature in the woods. Their footage is later discovered and compiled by an unknown person. …Read More

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