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Found Footage Films Database

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Found Footage Films Database

Welcome to the most complete catalog of found footage films and found footage horror. We’re proud to say that our catalog is representative of found footage films made in every country around the world! Check back often as we’re updating our database on a daily basis. If you know of a found footage movie that’s not already on our website or come across a broken link (we hate those!) please let us know. Thank you for your continued support and enjoy browsing our database of found footage horror films!

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In 2013, Sean Miller disappeared for four days. Seven years later, a group of documentary filmmakers set out to find why.…Read More
When Norman Graysmith is invited into the home of an aspiring serial killer, Aidan Mendle, he believes he has the subject for the documentary that will make his career.…Read More
An overenthusiastic Youth Pastor and his troop of misfit teens head to Bible Camp.…Read More
A man is found dead in his home deemed suicide for years by the local authorities. Years later tapes of the incident suddenly get released by a local detectives son.…Read More
After a public controversy left him disgraced and demonetized, a washed up internet personality tries to win back his followers by live-streaming himself spending one night alone in an abandoned haunt…Read More
A team of ghost hunters and paranormal researchers film a documentary about a haunted forest in rural India where many local villagers have been killed or gone missing. The group discovers an ancient …Read More
A group of friends play an online game that forces them to reveal their true selves in order to claim a large cash prize.…Read More
Borat returns from Kazakhstan to America and this time he reveals more about the American culture, the COVID-19 pandemic and the political elections.…Read More
Amateur director, Khadir is on his journey to capture some of the most haunted places in India on film for an upcoming web series. The dark history of the fort comes out to play. Will Khadir and the o…Read More
Kazakh TV personality Borat is dispatched to the United States to report on the greatest country in the world. With a documentary crew in town, Borat blunders through his epic road trip.…Read More
Three friends head into the woods in search of Bigfoot and things take an unexpected turn.…Read More
A documentary crew go to rural Massachusetts to document Clayton, Ian and Chet, three Sasquatch friends who are preparing to compete in Al Steak Shack’s Annual Dance Contest.…Read More
Footage found at the scene of a domestic incident reveals the preceding events a couple went through before police were called for a welfare check at their duplex apartment home.…Read More
In 2010, a horrible event took place in the community of Saint-Joseph. The young Jessica Price went missing. A couple of weeks later, body parts were found scattered around town. Rumors spread that th…Read More
A documentary crew and a team of amateur ghost hunters go to investigate a haunted hotel. How many will be left alive?…Read More
Three wacky British couples battle no holds barred as they set out to win the title of "Most Original Wedding of the Year!" Tension, rivalry, and wedding bliss are inevitable in this witty and affecti…Read More
Kyoko Sawai, a TV reporter, is making a report about an idol singer named Emi Kato. Emi and her staff are preparing the promotion of her next tune “Love Craft”. And as spiritual accidents happen aroun…Read More
Scott Shaw presents a film by Donald G. Jackson, UFO: Secret Video. The answers are out there if you know where to look.…Read More
A couple quarantined across the country from one another during a pandemic are unsure if the strange events happening around them are side effects of a virus - or something altogether more sinister.…Read More
An independent documentary filmmaker conducts an interview with necrophiliac Haydn Reef.…Read More
An increasing number of Dog-Man sightings trouble residents of a small Midwest tourist town, and as the events become more violent they are forced to reluctantly seek help. Paranormal investigators an…Read More
A horrifying story of a shaman's inheritance in the Isan region of Thailand. What could be possessing a family member might not be the Goddess they make it out to be.…Read More
An unknown phenomena occurs during a video call, leading to a Texas resident's death.…Read More
Two local students investigate a mysterious crime that involves the disappearance of a young girl.…Read More
In today's world full of wondrous technological innovation, the unnatural and mysterious sometimes appear even more horrifying than usual. But despite how far society has advanced, the fear of the unk…Read More

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