Two armed robbers seeking drug money enter a convenience store, but the simple hold-up turns into a hostage situation captured on security cameras, police video recordings, and news team footage.
Release Year: 2001Genre: Crime, Kidnapping, Mockumentary, Murder, Thriller, Violent CrimesPlot Setting: Car, TownCamera Type: News Camera, Security Camera, Surveillance CameraFilming Reason: News Footage, Surveillance FootageDirector: Max Allan CollinsWriter: Max Allan CollinsCast: Adam Turner, Alissa Suthers, Bill Hasty, Brinke Stevens, Carol Gorman, Chadrick Hoch, Curtis Carter, Curtis Pote, Dean Williams, Gary Coderoni, Kari Hamilton, Larry Coven, Michael Cornelison, Nate Collins, Phillip W. Dingeldein, Rachel Lemieux, Randyl Mohr, Sandy Grillet, Scott Casber, Skip Willits, Steve Henke, Steve Pilchen, Terry Beatty, Tom Castillo, Tom Keane, Tom SummitCountry: USALanguage: EnglishRuntime: 72 min.Region: North AmericaFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: Real Time (2001), Real Time: Siege at Lucas Street Market (2001)