A new comedy web-series that follows a forum of doomsday preppers in their weekly video chats as they swap updates and maybe a bit too much PDA - all during the zombie apocalypse.…Read More
Every day, Goki Bokken, a psychic, visits and investigates families suffering from psychic phenomena, and works to unravel the mystery and solve various situations.…Read More
A film crew follows rehabilitated zombies in their daily lives as they face the adversities of being a necro-sapien in a time when social inequality and blatant acts of prejudice are commonplace in th…Read More
Mockumentary on horror director Vic Van Viper, who produced a local TV show called "Creeping Death". In 1994 Viper and his crew were shooting an episode at his house, and they were all brutally murder…Read More
In 2009, the corpse of a young woman was found in her apartment. After it was determined by police that she had committed suicide, several others around her had begun to disappear.…Read More