"Leaving D.C." is a found footage horror movie directed by, written by, and starring Josh Criss. The film follows a Washington D.C. resident who moves to an isolated house in rural West Virginia, only…Read More
The final film in the Bad Ben Trilogy has a team of Paranormal Investigators return to the Steelmanville Road property to make a documentary about what happened there. The most significant discovery t…Read More
"The Blackwell Ghost" is a found footage film and mockumentary that was written, directed, and acted by an anonymous cast and crew. The film is presented as a documentary shot by an unnamed Hollywood …Read More
Found footage film where the father of a missing teen contacts the creators of a reality show called "Paranormal Legends" to inquire about one of their episodes from a past season, claiming that show …Read More
After reading a magazine article about a case of multiple murders 50 years ago, an excited paranormal group sets out to investigate the site where the serial killers lived and where the horrifying cri…Read More
Found footage film and mockumentary where a filmmaker tries to prove that ghosts are real but soon regrets his intentions after he finds himself being terrorized in a haunted house by a ghost with a d…Read More