After contacting Dean Alioto in 1994, the television show Encounters aired a story on UFO Abduction. For the purposes of our historical research, this section includes quotes from the Encounters segment on UFO Abduction.
UFO Abduction (1989) – Encounters TV Segment (1994) Uncovering the “Hoax”
- UFO Abduction (1989) is a found footage horror sci-fi film
- UFO Abduction director Dean Alioto graciously offered Found Footage Critic exclusive rights to embed the Fox network Encounters segment on our site for fans of UFO Abduction
- Dean Alioto: The McPherson Tape, UFO Abduction, and Alien Abduction [Part 1] [Interview]
- Dean Alioto: The McPherson Tape, UFO Abduction, and Alien Abduction [Part 2] [Interview]